This research proposes a novel approach to actively support using distributed academic information resources. With this approach, passive academic information resources are extended into autonomous and active entities. The extended academic information resources can actively perform tasks to support use of them, so that the burden for users can be reduced. Moreover, multiple extended academic information resources can organize in a decentralized way to autonomously cooperate with each other, and this will enable a more flexible support for using them in the distributed environment. In order to realize the extension of academic information resources, the Active Information Resource (AIR) scheme is adopted in the proposed approach, and an agent-oriented design method for AIR is developed in this research. Furthermore, the proposed approach is verified in two typical tasks of support for using distributed academic information resources: to search and to share. Firstly, this research designs a knowledge enhanced search method for personal academic information collections. Secondly, this research develops an active sharing mechanism for distributed personal academic information collections. The results of experiments on two prototype systems verified that the proposed approach has better performance than conventional approaches do. This confirms that the proposed approach is appropriate for actively support using distributed academic information resources.
Active Information Resource, Information Retrieval, Information Sharing, Agent, Agent-based System