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Quranic Verse Recitation Recognition Module for Support in j-QAF Learning: A Review


Zaidi Razak, Noor Jamaliah Ibrahim, Mohd Yamani Idna Idris, Emran Mohd Tamil, Mohd Yakub, Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman


Vol. 8  No. 8  pp. 207-216


Each person¡¯s voice is different. Thus, the Quran sound, which had been recited by most of recitors will probably tend to differ a lot from one person to another. Although those Quranic sentence were particularly taken from the same verse, but the way of the sentence in Al-Quran been recited or delivered may be different. It may produce the difference sounds for the different recitors. Those same combinations of letters may be pronounced differently due to the use of harakates. This paper seeks to provide a comprehensive review of Quran Arabic verse recitation recognition focusing on the techniques used, the advantages, and drawbacks. Areas with potential of further expansion are identified for future research for support in j-QAF learning.


Quranic verse recitation recognition, j-QAF and speech recognition