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Enhanced ANT Algorithm Based Load Balanced Task Scheduling in GRID Computing


Kuppani Sathish, A Rama Mohan Reddy


Vol. 8  No. 10  pp. 219-223


Load balanced task scheduling is very important problem in complex grid environment. Finding optimal schedules for such an environment is an NP-hard problem, and so heuristic approaches must be used. Antalgorithm is a heuristic task scheduling algorithm which is distributable, scalable and fault tolerant. It uses the state prediction of the resources for scheduling which is necessary for effective utilization of resources. In this paper, we propose an enhanced ant-algorithm for task scheduling in grid which gives better throughput with a controlled cost. The simulation results of various scheduling algorithms are also compared. The results also show that the enhanced version works better than the ant-algorithm. The inclusion of price factor into the ant-algorithm makes this new scheduling algorithm more suitable for wide use.


Load balancing, Gird Computing, Task scheduling