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DDoS Defense Mechanism by applying stamps


S S Nagamuthu Krishnan, V. Saravanan


Vol. 9  No. 8  pp. 195-199


In current trend, internet plays a vital role in our life and distributed computing structure grows dramatically in size, functionality and complexity and has become the integral part of our life. In distributed network computing there are lot of vulnerabilities such as Dos, DDos (Distributed Denial of service),virus, worms, etc. Distributed Denial of Service Attacks has recently emerged as one of the most newsworthy. Denial of service (DoS) attacks have continued to evolve and impact Internet Infrastructure. The control mechanisms for DDoS attack networks are changing to make greater use of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) technology. The impacts of DDos attacks are causing greater collateral damage, and widespread automated propagation itself has become a vehicle for causing denial of service. In our paper we propose a solution to prevent our network system resources from DDos attacks applying stamps.


DDos, DefCOM, Stamping,PRNG, CPRNG