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Content-Aware Rate Control to Improve the Energy Efficiency in Mobile IPTV services


Sunghee Lee, Jahon Koo, Kwangsue Chung


Vol. 10  No. 5  pp. 52-58


To be able to deploy the mobile IPTV service, energy efficiency is an important design consideration due to the limited battery lifetime of mobile devices. Moreover, the Scalable Video Coding (SVC) scheme, which allows for data rate adaptation without re-encoding, should also be considered for supporting a variety of mobile devices. This paper proposes a new streaming system, called the Content-Aware Streaming System (CASS), which improves energy efficiency by reducing the unnecessary transmission of bitstreams and by reducing the operating time of wireless network interface cards. The proposed streaming system utilizes the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) based on a content-aware and client buffer occupancy on the basis of a network-aware streaming system using SVC. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed streaming system.


Mobile IPTV, Streaming, SVC, PSNR, Rate Control, Energy Efficiency