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Feature Selection for Prediction of HIV/AIDS using Data Mining Technique by Applying the Concept of Theory of Evidence


A.M. Saravanan, R.Vijaya, C. Jothi Venkateswaran


Vol. 11  No. 5  pp. 285-288


The devastating disease HIV is well known as being the cause for development of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In the last 2 decades, over 60 million people have been infected with HIV, most of the people are identified and infected by HIV in the developing countries. In this paper Dempster Shafer (DS) theory is focused to identify the hidden information from the data set using the concept theory of evidence. The dataset are collected from the different Non-Government Organizations (NGO) and Government organizations of India. To analyze the dataset in particularly nearby areas of Vellore District of Tamil Nadu , India, the DS theory is used and to select the important attributes available in the dataset in order minimize the size of the data set.


Demographic, Geographic, Diagnostic, Treatment, Pharmacy, Provider and Utilization