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A Distributed Extension of the Hybrid PRS System using Video Processing to Command a Robot via Bluetooth


Mauro L. de Freitas, Victor E. L. Valenzuela, Mikhail Y. R. Gadelha, Waldir S. S. J?nior, Lucas Cordeiro, Vicente F. Lucena Jr


Vol. 12  No. 7  pp. 29-35


We describe and evaluate an extension of the hybrid architecture called Procedural Reasoning System (PRS) to control the navigation of a mobile robot in a dynamic environment. In contrast to other approaches that perform all route planning in pre-runtime and are sensitive to sudden changes, our hybrid architecture redirects actions based on dynamic changes of the environment. Experimental results show that our approach allows the robot to achieve approximately 95% of its goals.


Hybrid System, Bluetooth, LEGO Mindstorms Robotics, Cell phone