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An Energy-Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks


Victor de Oliveira Matos, Jos? Elias C. Arroyo, Andr? Gustavo dos Santos, Luciana B. Gon?alves


Vol. 12  No. 10  pp. 6-15


In wireless sensors networks (WSNs) the efficient use of the sensors¡¯ energy is a key point to extend the network lifetime and has been the center of attention by many researchers. Clustering formation is an important technique used to reduce the sensor¡¯s energy consumption. However, finding an optimal clustering in WSNs is a NP-Hard problem, thus efficient heuristics are needed to find good clustering in reasonable time. In this work we propose and analyze a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) coupled with Path Relinking intensification to obtain near-optimal clustering. We develop a clustering protocol to simulate the clusters formation and data transmission. The good performance of our protocol is compared with the well-known clustering protocols for WSNs, LEACH and LEACH-C. The comparison results and the statistical analyses reveal that the GRASP algorithm determines better clusters extending the network lifetime.


Clustering, Wireless Sensor Network, Heuristics, Combinatorial Optimization.