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Modified Self-Selection Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks


M.Shobana, S.Sathya


Vol. 15  No. 1  pp. 42-48


Wireless sensor networks have been the source of increasing interest for researchers because they gather information from multiple sources at the same time. This technology allows small sensors to be distributed across a geographical region to collect data, which is sent to a main server via a routing algorithm to be compiled and analyzed. In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the issues of energy and lifetime are the most important parameters. In asymmetrical networks, different sensors with various abilities are used. Super nodes, with higher power and wider range of communication in comparison with common sensors, are used to cause connectivity and transmit data to base stations in these networks. It is crucial to select the parameters of fit function and monitoring sensors optimally in a point covering network. The optimal selection and considering the energy of intermediate nodes to select and transmit data and also increasing network lifetime is one of the most important parts of wireless network design. It examines current trends in wireless sensor networks, introduces a new simulation environment to test out several current routing algorithms, and introduces an extension on a variant of self-selection routing. The selection is done by using a novel algorithm that used by simulated annealing. This selection takes remained energy into consideration. This method increases lifetime, decreases and balances energy consumption as confirmed by simulation results. The algorithm extension explicitly takes power into account when routing information to increase network lifetime as compared to the original algorithm.


Asymmetrical Sensor Networks, Energy, Lifetime