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Standards In The Psychological Structure Of The Personality Of Students


Anna Liakisheva, Ihor Salamakha, Liudmyla Malimon, Nataliia Khanykina, Maryna Fedorenko, Yuliia Makieshyna


Vol. 21  No. 4  pp. 301-305


Scientific space, one can observe the differentiation of the definition of the terms ""value"", ""value orientations"" because it does not yet have a clear standard definition. Many researchers have dealt with this topic, researched, analyzed, observed, and made conclusions. However, there is still a rich scope for research of such phenomena of personal structure as value orientations. Psychologists-researchers who, in their scientific, practical, and theoretical works, dealt with the topic of values and value orientations and came to the general conclusion that values are a structural component of a personality, with the help of which a person achieves a goal, sets this goal, and characterizes position in life. Saw the relationship between values and the basic structures of the personality, including value orientations?considered in values a system of orientation and personality attitudes.


Higher Education, Regulators, Experiment, information technology.