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Security Awareness among Students in Campus Environment: Case Study


Najihah Osman, Haniza N, Zulkiflee M.


Vol. 23  No. 10  pp. 188-198


In this era of globalization without limitation, many security issues occur, especially in a public network. Internet users significantly increased every single day. However, only some users are aware of security issues when they use Internet services. For the campus network environment, both staffs and students are susceptible to security threats such as data theft, unauthorized access and more due to different levels of awareness towards security threats. This paper is to study the level of awareness among students on security issues based on KSA model. As a case study, the survey was distributed among students in the UTeM campus network. A quantitative study was conducted, and a structured questionnaire has been designed and distributed among students. The variables were focused on three (3) aspects, which are Knowledge, Skill and Ability (KSA). The finding shows the relationship between KSA with the level of awareness among students has been revealed. From the result, Knowledge is the most significant aspect that contributes to high awareness. For the future, a study about increasing students' knowledge about security issues should be addressed.


Security Issues, Campus Network, Awareness