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Proposal on Multi agent Ants based Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks


Siva Kumar.D, Bhuvaneswaran.R.S


Vol. 7  No. 6  pp. 260-268


Single path routing protocol, known as Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector, has been widely studied for mobile ad hoc networks. AODV needs a new route discovery whenever a path breaks. Such frequent route discoveries cause route discovery latency. To avoid such inefficiency, in this paper we present Multi agent Ants based Routing Algorithm (MARA), a new algorithm for routing in mobile ad hoc networks. The proposed hybrid protocol reduces route discovery latency and the end-to-end delay by providing high connectivity without requiring much of the scarce network capacity. Multi agent Ants based Routing Algorithm (MARA), is based on ideas from Ant Colony Optimization with Multi agent systems technique. In simulation tests we show that Multi agent Ants based Routing Algorithm (MARA), can outperform AODV, one of the most important current state-of-the-art algorithms, both in terms of end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio.


Routing, Mobile Ad hoc Network, Multi agent Ants based Routing Algorithm