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A Low Cost and Resilient Message Queuing Middleware


Mohammad Reza Selim, Yuichi Goto, Jingde Cheng


Vol. 8  No. 8  pp. 225-237


Message Queuing Middlewares (MQMs) are gaining more and more attention in large enterprises for building highly available asynchronous messaging systems and for integrating heterogeneous applications. However, currently available MQMs consider underlying networks as static. Therefore, in case of node failures or a disaster, either they have to suffer long term service loss or they need to install a lot of extra resources to ensure that no such failures cause any service loss. They also require large administrative overhead as the network is managed manually. Besides, as store-and-forward method is used, reliable delivery of messages suffers much network delay and generates large amount of traffics. Current MQMs are not suitable especially if the network contains a large number of nodes. In our previous work, we proposed a general purpose middleware called Soft System Bus (SSB) to solve the continuous availability problem. In this paper, we redesign SSB based on Pastry so that it solves the problems of large-scale MQMs. This middleware provides asynchronous, reliable and in-order delivery service while ensuring no long term service loss in case of failures or disasters. Such services can be provided with minimum deployment cost. Our simulation based evaluation shows that we can provide such services in a network of large number of nodes while generating less traffic and requiring minimum administrative overhead.


Asynchronous Messaging, Availability, In Order Delivery, Message Queuing Middleware, Reliability