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EHW Architecture for Design of FIR Filters for Adaptive Noise Cancellation
Uma Rajaram, Raja Paul Perinbam, Bharghava
Citation |
Vol. 9 No. 1 pp. 41-48
This paper describes a new technique for the design of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter within an Evolvable hardware framework, using genetic algorithm (GA), aimed at noise cancellation. This implementation aims at reducing the number of generations required to provide time bound optimal filter configuration and to improve the quality of the filter designed. The filter is designed to reconfigure itself and provide real-time noise cancellation. The filter logic is implemented on a novel reconfigurable fabric. The GA processing and the reconfigurable framework is synthesized on Xilinx XCV1000 hardware chip. The results obtained show the validity of the approach to adaptive noise cancellation using Evolvable Digital Filters.
Evolvable Hardware, Noise Cancellation, Adaptive Filter, Reconfigurable Hardware