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An Evaluation of Agile Software Methodology Techniques


A Sutharshan, S P Maj


Vol. 10  No. 12  pp. 68-71


It is well documented that software projects are often over budget, over schedule and many fail to meet the functional requirements. In an attempt to address this problem numerous software methods have been introduced such as Extreme Programming (XP), Lean Development, Scrum etc. The main problem however has been to provide guidelines for efficient and effective team management. The Agile software philosophy was therefore developed. Uniquely Agile is a framework of principles that employs a range of different software methods. This approach allows the strengths of different software methods to be identified and aggregated. Hence a project manager can identify the best software method depending on the type of project.


Agile philosophy, Agile methods, XP, Scrum, DSDM, FDD, Crystal, Lean, project management