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Design of the Journaling File System for Performance Enhancement
Seung-Ju Jang
Citation |
Vol. 11 No. 5 pp. 22-26
In this paper, I developed for the purpose of ensuring stability in the data processing of the file to save space. If the file is write-through compression techniques give the effect to reduce storage space. In the result, we can save storage space on small embedded systems to maximize the capacity is used. This paper was implemented using the ext3 file system of the Linux Operating System. The compression algorithm was implemented in ext3 file system. EXT3 journaling file system through selective compression algorithm prevents the performance degradation and uses the available storage space efficiently. In experiment, the time consuming for compression does not take so long. It shows that the selective compression algorithm is better on space-efficient vs. time-consuming.
Journaling File System, Selective Compression Algorithm, Performance Enhancement, Linux O.S