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A Co-Operative Cluster Based Data Replication Technique for Improving Data Accessibility and Reducing Query Delay in MANET¡¯s


Baskaran P, Parameswaran.T


Vol. 13  No. 12  pp. 76-79


MANETs are very popular because of its infrastructure less network. These mobile nodes serve as both hosts and routers so they can forward packets on behalf of each other.It has restricted computing resources and due to mobility of node there is much change in network topology. These restrictions raise several new challenges for data access applications with the respects of data availability and access delay. This result in lower data availability in mobile ad-hoc networks than in wired networks. One probable solution to avoid this problem is to take up replication techniques which increases data availability and decrease query response delay. The replication process duplicates and preserves the consistency of multiple copies of objects in different sites so that each client node can visit a local copy of an object instead of remote ones. In this way replication can considerably enhances a distributed system's availability, reliability and scalability. It replicates the recurrently used data that rely on neighbour¡¯s memory when the connection among them is secure. The experimental result depicts that higher degree of data accessibility enhances the query delay also. So the proposed work is to enhance the data availability and decrease the query delay in the MANET. The proposed system deals with a better replication management technique for MANETs known as cluster related data replication technique to make available the needed data items from the neighbours node and able to choose which data items can be replicated at a node. After that there should be an effective replica restore algorithm to change the old copy of data items when change is required in the original copy of the data item. The results proved that proposed approach is much more efficient than the existing techniques.


Mobile Ad-Hoc networks, data replication, cooperative, query delay, data availability, clusters